Saturday, 2 May 2009

Crashing not like hips or cars...

Today was a slightly bizarre day.

It started out okay ish, we went out for a kind of brunch thing before going up to London to get my prom dress. It's all good, all good, then the bus we got on wasn't able to close the back doors. We thought, why not get out and do it manually, when to our complete horror (I love that phrase!), the driver started driving...without closing the doors. There was a girl about 8 years old near the doors, and he's careening down the road at 30 miles an hour! Yeah, real smart.

After that palavar (we had to get off and get on another bus) we got to the bottom of Barking station. Walkign along, listening to Fall Out Boy, when a screech makes me turn. Have you ever heard someone get hit by a car? It's disturbing. Seeing them fall off the windscreen and bonnet then roll to a complete halt in the road is worse. Apparently this lady had walked in front of a parked bus to cross the road and got hit by a learner driver. Luckily he wasn't going to fast, but still...gods, that was horrible. She wouldn't move, then her friend ran over and tried to yank her off the floor. According to mum I screamed "DON'T TOUCH HER! DON'T PICK HER UP" about five times, really loudly. I used to be a member of St John's Ambulance, so I know the minimum of first aid, and isn't it common sense to not move someone with possible spinal injuries? I still don't know if she's okay...

When we finally made it, I got my prom dress, mum saw it and agreed it was gorgeous. It was the first time I'd seen it completely on me, and I fell in love with it all over again. I'll see if I can put a picture on here later, or maybe I'll wait till prom day.

Tomorrow I have a barbeque thingy. For a mate's dad's birthday. It's not that I don't want to go, more like I really don't want to go. He's nice enough, but his family...freak me out a little. The day after that I have a Beltane celebration. I cannot wait for that!!!! Dancing round a maypole, a bonfire, music and food! What more can you ask for? Well, yes, a car would be nice...well okay, so a pony would be better - yes, a DSi and Professoer Layton is what I'd love, but that has nothing to do with it.

Now to obsess over make up, hair, hat and shoes for prom. And a bag.

I seriously hope that lady's okay...

From me to you,


Friday, 1 May 2009


Geez, What is with ma internetz?! They weren't letting me on, and I was gonna cry...

BUT I IZ HERE!!! For the...four? people that read this.

Seriously, I don't think I've ever loved the people in my school more than I do today.

Someone, apparently the year sevens, decided we would protest at the unfair dismissal of one of our teachers; a Mr Hannan of the RE department.


Half the school abandoned lessons second period (ten o'clock) and ran around the entire field for an hour!! They'd made banners and everything!! Every time the teachers tried to round them up, they ran all the way to other end of the field, screaming "WE WANT HANNAN! WE WANT HANNAN!" He was so moved by the fact everyone cared so much, he actually started crying. I just hope it hasn't screwed up his chances of getting another position at the school.

Things got so bad the police were called, two or three kids got expelled, some in my year aren't allowed to go to the end of year ball or sit their GSCEs in the school, and a few people got arrested. Over a protest-turned-riot in the aid of a fellow human being and one of the only good teachers at school.

I had a great view of it, but I was in lessons (finishing off my final piece for natural form). All lesson I was shouting "Hannan for President!"

Even if I don't live in America the sentiment counts, right?

I'll see if I can find some photos of it, and put a link up later.

I'M STILL BUZZING FROM IT! I had a massive grin that I couldn't get rid of all day!!

The best bit? My friend missed the entire thing. YES, THAT MEANS YOU, NEURO!!

Love to all, and merry Beltane!!
